Is Restorative Hypnotherapy
right for me?

Restorative Hypnotherapy sets itself apart from conventional hypnosis. You will be placed in a deeply relaxing restorative yoga position, ensuring full body support. As you immerse yourself in the peaceful ambiance enhanced by soothing music crafted to relax your nervous system, I will gently guide you in to a state of relaxation, providing hypnotic suggestions to support your intentions. These extreme conditions of calm enable the messages to penetrate deeply into your subconscious mind.


Q: Will you be telling me what to do like stage hypnotists?

A: No, Restorative Hypnotherapy is not stage hypnosis. It is a permissive approach, which means that you are given a choice to follow suggestions, and will not be asked to do anything against your will.

Q: What is Restorative Hypnosis for?

A: Restorative Hypnotherapy is for vocational and avocational self-improvement. Clients seek assistance to enhance various aspects of their lives, with a focus on fostering positive change, self-discovery, and personal growth. Common issues addressed include motivation, confidence, smoking cessation, insomnia, performance in sports or creative endeavors, as well as overcoming fears related to flying, test-taking, public speaking, medical procedures, and social situations. Additionally, clients often report reduced tension, increased calmness, enhanced happiness, and a greater sense of freedom from life’s challenges as positive byproducts of their work in Restorative Hypnotherapy.

Q: Are results immediate?

A: The timing of results varies for each client. Some experience an immediate shift, while others may take some time to notice changes. The nature of change can be subtle or more pronounced, and may continue over time. Oftentimes, many clients report additional positive changes that extend beyond their initial goals. Clients are provided with a professional-level recording of each session, and while it’s not obligatory, the frequency of listening to these recordings often contributes to achieving results more quickly. 

Q: Can I accidentally reveal any secrets or talk under hypnosis?

A: It is important to note that none of my clients have spoken during hypnosis.

Q: Do you provide medical or mental health services?

A: No, I am neither a medical professional or a licensed therapist.  

Q: Are your services restricted to any group?

A: I am committed to maintaining a welcoming and as safe an environment as possible for all clients, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, immigration status, religion or disability–and I do not discriminate or deny people goods or services based on any of these characteristics. If you are a person with a disability, please contact me so that we can find the best way to make the hypnosis accessible for you. 

Q: Are sessions conducted in-person or virtually?

I offer the flexibility of both in-person and virtual sessions, and there are advantages to both. In-person sessions may be subject to vaccination requirements and could be limited based on city ordinances and professional discretion. It is important to note that a significant number of my clients, residing in various parts of the county and abroad, have reported achieving successful results comparable to those from in-person sessions. 

Q: How do I book a session?

A: Prospective clients are encouraged to schedule a consultation to discuss their individual needs and determine if Restorative Hypnotherapy is a suitable option for them. 


This website provides information about hypnotherapy services offered in the state of California. Please be aware that hypnotherapy is a complementary and alternative therapy and is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Scope of Practice: Hypnotherapy services offered on this website are within the scope of practice permitted by California law. The hypnotherapist adheres to ethical standards and regulations established by relevant authorities in the state.

Not a Guarantee: Results from hypnotherapy may vary, and individual experiences differ. While hypnotherapy can be effective for certain issues, it is not guaranteed to resolve all concerns or conditions.

No Medical Claims: This website does not make any claims to diagnose, treat, or cure medical conditions. Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical or psychological treatment, and clients are advised to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for any physical or mental health concerns.

Client Responsibility: Clients are responsible for their own well-being and should disclose relevant medical or psychological history to the hypnotherapist. The hypnotherapist reserves the right to decline services if it is deemed that hypnotherapy may not be appropriate for the client.

The content of this disclaimer may be updated periodically to reflect changes in laws or regulations. Users are encouraged to review the disclaimer regularly for any updates.