About Me

The universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.

                                                    – Rumi


Hi, I’m Yumi Iwama and I thank you for visiting. My journey started at a.young age when I started suffering from anxiety, which was at times debilitating. By the time I was in my twenties, I was having multiple panic attacks daily. Through therapy and medication I was able to resolve the panic attacks and began an acting career, but these interventions could not fully address the root cause of my anxiety. I felt like an outsider in the world and lived in a place of unworthiness.

Then, eleven years ago, life presented me with a particularly stressful time. I had taken a long break from my acting career after the birth of my twins but was cast in a play in downtown Los Angeles. Balancing motherhood, household responsibilities, and a theater job while my husband was working and in grad school, I felt overwhelmed, striving for perfection in every aspect of my life. I stood shakily in the wings before each entrance, afraid of making a fool of myself. I finally asked myself, “What is the point of doing this show if it is making me so unhappy?”

Desperate for change, I sought help from Restorative Hypnotherapist Lisa Hubler. It was a turning point in my life. My hope was to overcome stage fright. After just one session, I felt a noticeable improvement, and with time, I was able to connect to the source of my anxiety and heal on the deepest level. Today, my decades-long daily anxiety is a distant memory–I experience more joy and face challenges with newfound equanimity. 

My transformation didn’t stop there. Empowered by my journey, I embarked on a path of personal growth and achievement. I had more confidence, my personal relationships became richer, and I became actively involved with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at my children’s schools

In 2019 I became a Certified Restorative Hypnotherapist, embraced a regular meditation practice, and began teaching  meditation, both privately and in workshops. These tools have become the driving force behind my heartfelt desire to help others heal from within and reach their fullest potential

Over the last five years I have combined my knowledge of mindfulness meditation and restorative hypnotherapy to assist numerous clients in their own transformative journeys. I continually deepen my practice, and in December 2023, completed my studies as a Mindfulness Facilitator through the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior.

My passion stems from the profound gift I received in overcoming my challenging past, and I’m dedicated to sharing this gift with my clients, guiding them towards a life of fulfillment and empowerment. 

I would love for you to join me on this journey of self-discovery. Together, we will elicit your body’s natural healing response, and unlock your true potential. 

Yumi Iwama (she/hers)
National Guild of Hypnotists